Website construction good later, will begin website promotion, can increase your website exposure opportunity, increase the flow, to reach a business opportunity. Therefore, many webmaster are trying to improve web traffic.
二、 在網站初架前期,很多站長在為了網站推廣,在做SEO 時,為了快速達到好的排名,就過多的在網站內堆積關 鍵字,這樣往往適得其反。在這邊,將簡單得說明如何避免 關鍵字堆積,并列出合理關鍵字的布局建議。
In the early website frame, many webmaster in order to website promotion, doing SEO, in order to achieve good rankings quickly, too much in the web site shut up the key word, such often backfire. In this way, will simply have to explain how to avoid the key word accumulation, and giving a reasonable layout of the keyword suggestion.
三、網站優(yōu)化分為外部優(yōu)化和內部優(yōu)化,關鍵字優(yōu)化就 是內部優(yōu)化的重點。眾所周知關鍵字是一個網站的核心和靈 魂,沒有關鍵字就沒有流量,搜尋引擎在抓取和索引后,使 用者在搜索某個特定關鍵字時,就是根據相關關鍵字的相關 計算而列出排名位置,但這并不說明關鍵字多了就能提升排 名。常見很多網站 title 中有大量關鍵字,并在 keywords 和 description 中重復,顯然這樣會讓搜尋引擎十分反感。
Website optimization is divided into external optimization and internal optimization, the key word inside the optimization is optimized is key. As is known to all the key word is a web site of the core and spirit soul, no key words will not flow, search engine in the grab and index, allow the user to search a specific keywords in, is the key word according to relevant related calculation and list the top, but this does not explain the key word a lot they can promote row name. Common many web sites have a ton of title keyword, and keywords and description in repeat, apparently this will make search engine very antipathetic.
(一)head 部分(Head part)
關鍵字在首頁可以出現多次,但是應該合理的融入穿插頁面中, 比如 head 部分可以強調關鍵字, 但不要設置一樣, 要巧妙的融入進去, 這樣既增加了可讀性, 又做到了不堆積。 好比我們的,北京網站制作_北京網站建設_尚品中國。再者,tit le 寫的好也能吸引用戶點擊,如果一味的融入關鍵字的話就 顯的太生硬,有可能排名比較靠前但用戶不去點擊的現象。
Key words in home can appear many times, but should be reasonable into thrust deep into the page, such as head of key words can emphasize, but don't set, to clever fit it in, such not only increase readability, and do not accumulation. As our, Beijing website production _ Beijing website construction _ shang pin China. Moreover, tit le write well can also attract users click, if blindly into the key words of word on the significant too hard, there may be a ranking by former but users don't compare to click the phenomenon.
(二)首頁內容部分(Home page content part)
在首頁內容部分,一般都會設置多個分類或相關版塊, 在這些分類或版塊中要合理融入關鍵字,圖片 alt 標簽,H 標簽的合理運用都會給網站加分。中文搜尋引擎的演算法是 基于中文分詞原理,當某個關鍵字和別的關鍵字片語成一個 新詞語時,中文搜尋引擎會當做一個新詞語去對待,只要是 日常用的詞語,都可以把單詞組合成詞語,這樣就不算關鍵 字堆積,相反,搜尋引擎會認為頁面相關度十分高而給予網 站不錯的權重。
On the front page of content, general will set a number of classification or related edition piece, in these categories or part to reasonable into key words, pictures of Alt tag, H label is reasonable apply would give website points. Chinese search engine algorithm is based on the Chinese word segmentation principle, when a key word and other key phrases into a new words, Chinese search engine will as a new words to treat, as long as it is with the words of the daily, can put the word combined into words, this is not the key word accumulation, instead, search engine will think page is very high and the correlation to the weight of good standing nets.
(三)內頁部分(Part of the inside pages)
關鍵字除了在首頁要特別重視之外,內頁的建設也相當 重要,一般內頁的標題都是由幾個詞語組合的長尾關鍵字,這類詞語不算熱門,流量也不高,但是大量的長尾累積起來 流量就相當可觀。內頁標題寫好之后,要記錄這個頁面的url,在另外一篇文章中出現該長尾關鍵字時是要做錨連結,就是常說的內鏈建設。好的內鏈,可以讓網站成一個網狀結構,是搜尋引擎抓取的更加順利。這樣可以把大量長尾關鍵字合理的融入 網站內頁中。
Key words in addition to pay special attention to the outside on the home page, the construction of the inside pages is quite important also, general the title of the inside pages by several words long tail of the combination of words, this kind of words is not popular, flow rate is not high also, but a large number of long tail accumulated flow is significant. The inside pages after headline, to record this page url, in another article appeared in the long tail key words is to do the anchor link, is often said in the construction of the chain. Good inside chain, can let the site into a mesh structure, is search engine grab more smoothly. So that the long tail of key words reasonable into the inside pages of web site.
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